1 Context:
In this step, we will look at two options for manipulating data in a grid. We create a starting function to open an editing screen from an existing screen. To do this, we need to configure some attributes on the instance level of a grid.
2 Result:
3 Step by step guide:
- Please open your screen “OrderOverview” in the Screen Designer
- Select the “CustomerGrid” and open the object designer by clicking the gear wheel icon in the panel “Object Structure” and then “Open Object Master”. The object designer for the “CustomerGrid” will open up
- Please select the “CustomerEntity.Name” and select it
- Search for the following three attributes in the panel “Attributes” and fill it with
- VisualizationType -> LINK
- UpdateRecordContainer -> CustomerMaintenanceScreen
An overview with all fields of the grid will appear. Here you are able to set configurations for every attribute which is available in the grid
With this we display the content of this column in form of a clickable link
(By clicking the link a new window will be launched)
(This screen will be launched and update the connected DSO)
4 Explanation:
By changing the three attributes, we can modify the behaviour of the cell content.
- In the first step, we change the display of the cell content so that it's shown as a link.
- In the second step, we give instructions to the link to start something.
- In the third step, we indicate to the link what exactly needs to be started. In our case, a pre-defined different screen should be opened, which is used for manipulating data records and writing them back to the table.