1 Context:
The Quick Builder is used to generate objects in Build.One from tables in the database. This converts specific tables into grids, forms, dropdowns, DSOs, and standard screens. Batch generation is a method to generate new objects in Build.One. Here we will create our own objects from the tables in the database.
2 Step by step guide:
1 👋 Navigate to “Integrate” -> “DataSources” and select the button “Quick-Builder” in the toolbar.
- 💡 Tab “Source”
- 👋 “Source Type” → “Database”
- 👋 “Database” -> “sportsDB”
- 👋 “Select Tables” -> “Employee”, “Customer”, “Order”, “Orderline”, “Item” (Please select each individual in the list)
- 💡 Tab “Screen Generation”
- 👋 “Select which type of screens you want to generate” -> Search Screens, Maintenance Screen, Create Dialogs
- 👋 “Add generated screens to Menu” -> Delete and make sure its empty
- 💡 Tab “Objects Generation”
- 👋 “Objects to Generate” -> “Datasource, Grids, Forms, DynSelects”
- 💡 Tab “Module”
- 👋 “Application” -> “MyApp”
- 👋 “Module” -> “MyAppModule”
- 💡 Tab “AI Optimizations” → Take a look but don’t use it
- 👋Select “Confirm” and B1 will automatically create your objects.
3 Explanation:
These objects are used to implement specific use cases based on a database in Build.one. Standard objects can be regenerated at any time. WARNING: If there is a change in the database structure on which the objects are based, the objects must be regenerated.