- Add a “.df” , a “.st” and a “.pf” file
- Declare the db connection in the “.build/compose/base.docker-compose.yml”
- Declare the db properties in the “openedge-project.json”
- Declare the service in the “.build/compose/workspace.docker-compose.yml”
- Commit your changes and spin up a new workspace on the same branch
- You should see now a new container for your DB is initialized
- You should see the autogenerated changes in the: (Please do not touch this files manually)- .deploy/standard.deployment.docker-compose.yml- .deploy/workspace.docker-compose.yml- .deploy/portainer.deployment.docker-compose.yml
- The last step is to generate a table-definitions file with the following command in the ABL scratchpad:RUN Akioma/Swat/Util/buildTableDefinitionFile.p("", "/workspace/app/backend/DB/customerdb/table-definition-customerdb.xml", "customerdb", ?).
- Commit everything and test the database connection