- The drop down shows an overview of all filters. This is described in more detail in
Working with Filters
- Here you can create filters for the view. This is described in more detail in
Working with Filters
- With this button you can reload the grid
- With this button you can perform different operations on the grid
- With this button, you can export the grid to Excel
- With this button, you can export the grid to a Word file
- With this button, you can set the cells to be expanded. This allows for a line break
- With this button, you can set the cells not to be expanded. This prevents a line break
- With this button, you can control how many records are loaded
- With this button, you can control which cells are displayed in the grid
- With this, you can delete the record
- By clicking on the name of the cell, you can sort the grid
- In the drop down, you can filter by values