1. Introduction
You can integrate your git system with our portal, we support the integration with the Bitbucket service. Once your system is integrated you can see your repositories and your branches in the projects screen.
2. How to integrate your system
In order to provide the credentials to integrate your bitbucket account, you need to open portal and go to the Projects section. There, in the top left toolbar, there is the option “Git Login” that once clicked opens a dialog to provide your credentials.
3. Features available
Once your integration has been set you should be able to see your workspaces and the repositories and branches of each workspace. The next options are available.
- Reload
- Push Changes
- Show Conflicts
- Commit changes
This reloads the workspaces in Portal. This could be useful if you have created new workspaces or branches outside of portal and you want to see them
This triggers the push action of Git
Displays conflicts of a Pull Request
This allows to commit the latest changes done
Panels of entries
- Available workspaces
- Repositories of selected Workspace
- Branches of the selected Repository
Displays all the workspaces of your account, when clicking one you can see the repositories on the right
Displays all the repositories of the selected workspace, when clicking one you can see the branches at the bottom.
Displays all the branches of the selected repository, you can launch workspaces and create and deploy version with the toolbar of this panel, for more information please check Workspaces and
Versions and Deployment
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