For our customer Lucas Nülle, there is an existing integration of Build.One Offer with Salesforce.
Customer Account details are synced from Salesforce to Build.One Offer by using Connectplaza.
Our customer reached out to us to ask if and how the US State field is synced as well. This is indeed the case. The Salesforce field ‘BillingState’ is mapped and persisted in Build.One Offer in the field ‘Adresse.Bundesland’.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><notifications xmlns="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<SessionId xsi:nil="true"/>
<sObject xmlns:sf="" xsi:type="sf:Account">
<sf:BillingStreet>36 Oxbow Drive</sf:BillingStreet>
<sf:Name>Oxbow High School</sf:Name>
<sf:Phone>+1 (802) 222-5214</sf:Phone>
<sf:f42_Accountname__c>Oxbow High School<br><br><br><br></sf:f42_Accountname__c>
<sf:f42_Kurzname__c>OXBOW HIGH SCHOOL</sf:f42_Kurzname__c>
The field is noted in the customer data: