✍️ Use the dynselect as an gird column filter
1. Summary
You can user your Dynselect as an grid column filter
- You know which field you want to display as a dynselect
- The grid object is created (should be automatically)
- A SwatSelect object for the table in which you search for is created (should be automatically)In this example a field containing an address number should show the name of the address and searching for both name and address number should be possible.
In this example a field containing an address number should show the name of the address and searching for both name and address number should be possible.
2. Result
3. Step by Step Guide
- Open the SwatSelect in the Repository Desktop:
- Set the attribute “enabled” to true if it isn’t already.
- Set the attribute “templateOptions” to define what and in which order the result should be shown in the dynselect result list, fields need “|” in front of them. Fieldnames of related Select-Entity! Example:
- Set the following attributes to the specifically needed fields:
- To change these values on the master of the SwatSelect will ensure that all set attributes will be the same on each instance you are using the same SwatSelect. In the rare occasion you have to use the same SwatSelect for different fields in a table, please note that those attributes can also be set on the instance where you are using it.
- Add the SwatSelect to the grid where you want to use it via drag & drop:
- Change the Object Sequence so it is next to your current field.
- Change the InstanceName of the added SwatSelect to the name of the field you want to show up as a dynselect, while renaming the current field:
- Copy necessary further attributes like “label” to the SwatSelect instance.
- Once you are satisfied with the result delete the former instance (field) from the list of instances so only the column including the SwatSelect as a Grid Column Filter remains.
IMPORTANT: value of TemplateOptions must be lowercase!
IMPORTANT: values must be lowercase!
IMPORTANT: LookupKeyValueBinding depends on the GRID- or FORM-object in which the select will be inserted, so set this value on instance-level!
→ The grid now has the same column twice.
4. Documentation
To find more information, you can check the following documentation.
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