✍️ Short Description of the Use Case
1. Summary
To filter the result list of the DynSelect you implement a Typescript function, wich will be included in the EventbeforeFetch
2. Result
Before fetching the data it will show you the result of the defined filter
3. Step by Step Guide
Event of the DynSelect. In Typescript you can use the CLAPI to filter the result. Afterwards you’ll see an example code snippet, which will filter in the inserted DynSelect, when there is a value in the additional field AccountNum
export function myDynSelectFilter(contactSelect: akioma.swat.DynSelect) {
const myForm = contactSelect.form;
const AccountNum = myForm.getScreenValue("ACCOUNTNUM");
const FilterField = 'CUSTACCOUNT';
contactSelect.addFilter(FilterField, '=', AccountNum, true);
Possible operators for searching:
'eq', '=', 'neq', 'ne', '<>', 'startswith', 'begins', 'contains', 'matches', 'beginsmatches', 'ends', 'gte', 'ge', '>=', 'gt', '>', 'lte','le','<=','lt'
4. Documentation
To find more information, you can check the following documentation.
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