- 1. Summary
- 2. Step by Step Guide
- 2.1 Styling Toolbar and Panel Header using Theme variables
- Styling Toolbar button sizes
- Styling Panel Header
- 3. Documentation
1. Summary
Themes allow developers and designer to customise some options of the UI of the platform. This can be used to style the application in a specific way, or adjust the UI for some specific needs, in this example the adjustments explained in this Use Case will be useful for touch-based screens that needs bigger controls.
2. Step by Step Guide
2.1 Styling Toolbar and Panel Header using Theme variables
Styling Toolbar button sizes
To change the size of Toolbar buttons, developers can adjust the button text size.
You'll need to modify the theme.ts file in your theme as follows:
toolbar: {
grouped: {
button: { textSize: '...20px' }
transparent: {
button: { textSize: '...20px' }
filled: {
button: { textSize: '...20px' }
The result can be seen in the screenshot below:
Styling Panel Header
To modify the Panel Header height and Menu Icons size, developers can adjust theme variables in their theme's theme.ts file.
panel: {
header: {
height: '...90px',
buttonFontSize: '...22px'
The result can be seen in the screenshot below:
3. Documentation
To find more information, you can check the following documentation.
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