You can create users in itself.
- Creating new user and add it to configuration
- Open Manage menu > User submenu and click the button at the bottom right to create an user.
- Open the code base in Gitpod and open src > data > base-data-standard-definitions and insert the following at the end of the JSON and add your created users in all three QueryStrings. Please have a look at each query string
- Click save.
- Execute a build-one down and up.
- Changing user
- Assign the corresponding desktop groups to your created users.
- Change the passwords for your created user in the upper right corner.
- Click on the user name.
- Click on change password and enter the old and the new password.
- Save your changes.
- (You have to make changes to your user to see your user in the CI/CD overview like adding the desktop group)
- Export changes
- Go to CI/CD and export your changes.
- Check for each user whether access is possible by logging in and logging out.
"FileName": "base/zuser.xml",
"BusinessEntity": "Akioma.Crm.MasterData.System.UserEntity",
"ExportData": {
"Tables": "*",
"QueryString": "FOR EACH eUser WHERE SelfKey EQ 'youruser1' OR SelfKey EQ 'youruser2' OR SelfKey EQ 'Eddie'"
"FileName": "base/smartuser.xml",
"ImportData": {
"BusinessEntity": "Akioma.Swat.Authentication.ImportUserBusinessEntity"
"ExportData": {
"BusinessEntity": "Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authentication.UserBusinessEntity",
"Tables": "*",
"QueryString": "FOR EACH eSmartUser WHERE UserName EQ 'youruser1' OR UserName EQ 'youruser2' OR UserName EQ 'Eddie'"
"BusinessEntity": "Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.UserGroupBusinessEntity",
"FileName": "base/smartusergroup.xml",
"ExportData": {
"Tables": "eSmartUserGroup",
"QueryString": "FOR EACH eSmartUserGroup WHERE SelfKey EQ 'youruser1' OR SelfKey EQ 'youruser2' OR SelfKey EQ 'Eddie'"
A popup appears.
You can now see in the commits the changes in the file zuser.xml.
Changes to existing users will not be exported
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