- Description
- How to use it
- Source
- Screen Generation
- Object Generation
- Module
- AI-Optimisations
- Update existing objects
If you use Build.one, you can work with automatically generated standard objects. These objects are created from the tables connected to the workspace. For example, if you integrate your own development database, you can generate objects directly from your own tables. The following objects can be created:
Grid / Table
Select (DynSelect)
Create Dialog
- Maintenance Screen
- Search Desktop
The objects can then be used as a basis to build your own application and database.
How to use it
- Navigate to Integrate → Data → Datasource and click on the "Batch Generation" button in the top toolbar. This will open a dialog.
- Choose the following parameters:
- Source Option
- Database (If the objects should be created based on a DB)
- BusinessEntity (If the objects should be created based on a BE)
- Database Source Options or BusinessEntity Source Options
- Database → Choose your DB
- Select Tables → Here you can choose one or more tables from the list
- or based on the selection in 1
- Business Entity → Choose your BE
- Exclude Suffix List → Here you can exclude them
- Extended Options
- This is where the name patterns for the objects are defined. The &1 means that an Entity will be added to the table name. Adressen becomes AdressenEntity at the end.
- Database (If the objects are to be created based on a DB)
- BusinessEntity (If the objects are to be created based on a BE)
Screen Generation
Here, the screens can be selected that will be populated based on templates and database tables.
The available options are:
Create Dialog
- Maintenance Screen
- Search Desktop
Templates can also be defined and used.
Object Generation
Here, the objects to be generated are selected.
The following options are available for selection:
Here, the application and module are selected to which the objects should be assigned.
You can find more information about this belowHow-To: Add Application and Module.
This is an area where functionalities of ChatGPT can be used for automatic generation of objects to perform different actions. This feature (as of 21.09.2023) is still in beta status.
Update existing objects
Solltet man Änderungen an einer DB Tabelle vornehmen, stimmen die DSOs nicht mehr mit der jeweiligen überein
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