Label | Description | Possible Values | Technical Name |
Entity Name | Datasource of the Select that is used to populate the entries in the list | DataSoruce | entityname |
List of Options | List of keys and labels to display as entries in the list | Coma separated list | listitempairs |
UI Key Field | Field of the Datasource of the Select that will be displayed in the input when an entry is selected | SwatDataField | lookupkeyfield |
Key Value | Field of the Datasource of the Select that will be saved when an entry is selected | SwatDataField | lookupkeyvaluecolumn |
Entity Table | Table of the Datasource of the Select that will be used to populate the entries in the list (When the Datasource has just one table, this attribute does not need to be set) | Table | entitytable |
Binding Field | Field of the Datasource of the form where the Saved Field will be saved | SwatDataField | lookupkeyvaluebinding |
Label | Description | Possible Values | Technical Name |
Template Options | Name of the fields and/or constant values that will used for the icon, key and description in the template. (They need to be defined in that order with the | separator) | List with | separator (Icon | key | description) | templateoptions |
Template | Name of the design that will be used to render the results of the list. Check Documentation for more information of each option | genericautocompletesearchtemplatedynselect_checkbox, GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelect, GridFilterDynselectSearchTemplate, GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplate, GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelect_line | template |
Min. Items Selected | Minimum number of entries that can be selected in the list | Number | minimuminputlength |
Max. Items Selected | Maximum number of entries that can be selected in the list | Number | maximumselectionlength |
Label | Description | Possible Values | Technical Name |
Sort | Ascendent (asc) or descendent (desc) sort based on a field (E.g. asc fieldname) | asc/des fieldname | defaultsort |
Rows to batch | Number of entries that will be loaded from the DSO in the list of entries (also when you search) | Number | rowstobatch |
Multiple Behavior | When the select is added to a grid, it specified to what elements the “Allow Multiple Items Selected” attribute is applied. Check Documentation for more information of each option | standard, cell, filter+cell | multiplebehavior |
Lookup Screen | Screen that will be opened in a dialog to facilitate the selection of an entry | Screen | axlookupdialog |
Initial Fetch | Query that will filter the result of entries in the list the first time is opened. Check Documentation for more information of how to create the queries | initFetch:All (1000 records, default is 50) | initialfetch |
Filter | When this select is added to a grid as a column, it defines how the filter of that grid will behave. Check Documentation for more information of each option | #multiselect_filter, #dynselect_filter | filter |
Close on Select | If enabled, once the user selects an entry, the list will be closed | Boolean | closeonselect |
Allow Multiple Selects | If enabled, multiple entries can be selected in the list | Boolean | multiple |
Allow Clear | If enabled, the selected entries can be cleared with a button | Boolean | allowclear |
Label | Description | Possible Values | Technical Name |
Validation can be used to define validation rules that display messages under a Form Field input | Text | validation | |
Track Changes | If enabled, the changes on this field will trigger the HasChanges in the form where this field is added | Boolean | haschangestrackingenabled |
Placeholder | Text displayed in the input until the user starts writing or selects an option | Boolean | placeholder |
Note Below Field | Text that will be displayed under the Field, it can be used as hints or help indications | Text | note |
Mandatory | If enabled, this field will be mandatory in the form that is added | Boolean | mandatory |
Label Position | Location of the label in relation to the input | Left, Top | labelPosition |
Label | Label of the Input | Text | label |
Initial Value | Key of an entry in the Datasource to set that entry as the initial value of the field | value | initialvalue |
Info Button | If eneabled the help icon will be displayed | Boolean | infobutton |
Label | Description | Possible Values | Technical Name |
OnInfoSelected | Event executed when the info button is clicked | Event | eventoninfoselected |
OnStateChanged | Event executed when a state is changed through clientlogic | Event | eventonstatechanged |
OnLeave | Event executed when the field loses focus | Event | eventleave |
OnEntry | Event executed when the field get focus | Event | evententry |
On Validate | Event executed whenever an entry is selected in the list | Event | eventakvalidate |
On change Event | Event executed when the user produce a change (when you type and when you select) | Event | onchange |
Namespace | Namespace of the clientlogic where you logic will be available and implemneted | Event | eventnamespace |
BeforeFetch | Event executed before fetching the data for the list of options | Event | eventBeforeFetch |
AfterSearchResultDisplay | Event executed when the results are displayed in the dropdown | Event | eventaftersearchresultdisplay |
AfterKeyPress | Event executed when the user types in the list filter | Event | eventafterkeypress |
Label | Description | Possible Values | Technical Name |
ID | Value for the HTML akid attribute when rendered, it can be used to identify this component in testing | Text | akid |
UIComponentAlias | Alias for the component to be accessible trough client logic | Text | uicomponentalias |
UiComponent | Path to the component that will be lazy loaded | Text | uicomponent |
Label | Description | Possible Values | Technical Name |
Design Placeholder | If enabled, the object will be used as a placeholder in tempaltes | Boolean | designplaceholder |
Design Placeholder Options | Options for the use of this object as placeholder in templates | Text | designplaceholderoptions |
Rules Behaviour | Serialized json that is generated and assigned automatically to describe the behaviour/interaction with Corticon.js | Serialized json | rulesbehavior |
HELP | Text of the tooltip | Text | help |
Width | Number of Horizontal Slots that this field will fill in the form that is added | Number | width |
Visible | If false, the field will not be visible in the form that is added | Boolean | visible |
TokenSeparator | Character to allow the user to select an entry and start adding the next one | Pipe-delimited list -> e.g ‘tokenSeparators’: ‘,| ‘ | tokenseparators |
Tags | If enabled, allows to provide a value that does not exist in the list of entries | Boolean | tags |
Tab Index | Order in the tab navigation of the form where this Select is added | Numbber | tabindex |
Lookup Fields | Fields of the datasource of the dynselect that will be used in the Form Fields Linked | SwatDataFields comma separated list | lookupfields |
Height | Number of Vertical Slots that this field will fill in the form that is added | Number | height |
Enabled | If disabled, the field will be read only and the value in the input cannot be changed | Boolean | enabled |
Empty Value | When the select is cleared, this will be used as the “empty” value. It can be null, undefined or “” | Text | emptyvalue |
Refresh On Filter Change | When this select is added to a grid as a column, If enabled, When the selects filter has a change, the grid will be refreshed | Boolean | autorefreshonfilterchange |
Description Delimiter | Specifies the delimiter used for multiple selections. Comma by default. It Has to match the delimiter used on the backend. | Text | multidelimiter |
Delay | Delay for making the request to load the result, this is useful to wait for the user inputs | Number | delay |
Controls | Fields from the form where this Select is added, that when an option is selected the fields values set in this attribute will be updated with the fields set in the Source for Form Fields Linked attribute (The order will define the link between the fields of this attribute and the fields in Source for Form Fields Linked Attribute) | SwatDataFields comma separated list | lookupcontrols |
Cache Results | If enabled, the results will be cached for future searchs | Boolean | cacheresults |
Label | Description | Possible Values | Technical Name |
ID | Value for the HTML akid attribute when rendered, it can be used to identify this component in testing | Text | akid |
UiComponent | Path to the component that will be lazy loaded | Text | uicomponent |
Design Placeholder | If enabled, the object will be used as a placeholder in tempaltes | Boolean | designplaceholder |
Design Placeholder Options | Options for the use of this object as placeholder in templates | Text | designplaceholderoptions |
Rules Behaviour | Serialized json that is generated and assigned automatically to describe the behaviour/interaction with Corticon.js | Serialized json | rulesbehavior |