The object type SwatText is a control to add a rich text editor to a panel of a screen. With this control it is possible to add formatted text to any record you want. The text will be saved in the Build.One database and the internal selfhdl (Build.One GUID) is used as the unique reference between the text and the record (this works for Build.One database as well as for every other integrated customer database).
How to use
You can add the control to every panel or within a page of a SwatTabbar.
- Open the screen that you want to add the text control in the screen designer .
- In the catalog search fo the object SimpleSwatText
- Drag&Drop it to the preview screen and save.
- Set the following attributes:
- ENABLED = True
- RecMode = MULTI
- typeRange = defines the text-types which are selectable in the editor, e.g. “txt.customer.” (check the content types for existing types or create new types there). The value of this attribute will be used to search all content types where the key starts with this value (e.g. “txt.customer.” —> “txt.customer.letter”, “txt.customer.internal.notice” etc.)
- Go to the flow designer and add a link from the datasource to the text control. Linktype = Display
- Save
Using SimpleSwatRichText in a Form
If you want to use the SimpleSwatRichText in a form as a visualization to an existing entityfield, just replace the corresponding field with the RichText and rename the RichText like this field
Configure the standard values of the Editors toolbar
To configure the values of the editors toolbar (e.g. which will be the standard value for font sizes) you can find the configurations in the application settings:
HEIGHT-CHARS: Defines the Height of the SimpleSwatRichText in lines
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