The User Management describes which user can access what features of the application. There are a lot of possibilities to manage the security, this chapter will give you only an overview.
Add user
Open the "Users" desktop (you can find it in the red administration desktops):
To add a new user, launch the create dialog from the grid fab button:
Example of a new user:
- Key: Unique key of the user (please note: for the login you must use the unique key plus the tenant key separated by the “@”, e.g. myName@100)
- Description: your full name
- eMail: Your mailaddress
- Active: if the user is not active he cannot login
The password of the new user is only the key by default (please note the use of upper and lower case letters).
You can change your own password via the profile menu on the upper right side (click on the avatar icon).
Update user
To update a user, simply adjust the data directly in the desktop grid.
The grid is editable and changes can be committed using the "Save" button in the grid panel header.
Delete User
To delete an existing user, select the user in the grid and click the "Delete" button in the grid panel header.
OpenEdge example: How to get user information about currently logged in user
The database user information can be fetched by identifying the zUser record based on the UserHdl stored in the context:
FIND bUser WHERE bUser.SelfHdl EQ Akioma.Swat.OERA.Context.SwatContextWrapper:Properties:UserHdl NO-LOCK NO-ERROR.
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