- Summary
- Toolbar types
- Active screen in sidebar
- Improvements in attributes and CLAPI
- Other improvements
- All Release Notes
Toolbar types
Three new types for Toolbar have been added. These types provide three different styles for the buttons to adapt Toolbars better to their context, providing different levels of hierarchy in each screen.
The three types are Group, Filled and Transparent
All these types can be easily changed with the ToolbarType attribute in the Object Designer of a toolbar, a select has been added to make the process easier.
And all these styles are maintained even if the theme is changed, so if the toolbar is set to a specific type like “Group” that same style will be used when the theme is changed, and only the colours of the theme will change.
Active screen in sidebar
The sidebar has been improved to always indicate the active or visible Screen in the list of entries of the sidebar, and no longer changes while navigating trough the different subentries.
Improvements in attributes and CLAPI
New attributes and CLAPI methods have been added to
- Toolbars
- TreeGrids
- Selects
A new event attribute called eventOnInput
have been added to execute code when the user writes in a search bar added to the toolbar. Also the properties typedValue
and inputName
have been added to make use of this new event
New CLAPI methods have been added to expand and collapse all nodes.
Some deprecated and unused attribute have been removed to make the handling of Select (DynSelect) attributes easier
Other improvements
- The
UI Translations functionalities have been enhanced to include the option to have the texts in different files, allowing the developers to organise the translations in different categories (For example Screens)
- A new taskbar has been implemented using Vue components to provide a more consistent set of functionalities, including keyboard navigation
- A module is created when you an
App so the Swat Object already belongs to a module and it can be easily exportable without the need of modifying its module. That module can also be used for the object in the App
- When updating to a new B1 version, a check is performed to ensure that the version is available
All Release Notes
ID | Title | Description |
New Theme variables for toolbar buttons | - add theme variables for toolbar buttons of all toolbar types: filled, group, transparent - remove unused SCSS vars: $toolbar_button_text_color, $toolbar_button_text_color_lighten_30 |
ID | Title | Description |
Accessibility: #9: Keyboard shortcut for Focus Jump to Grouped Taskbar | A new vue taskbar was implemented and ALT+G shortcut change focus on active group taskbar or active item if no group is present. | |
Add description as TSDOC in generated attribute types | Improved generated repository typescript types to include the attribute descriptions from the database as tsdoc | |
Module is not shown for some functions | Fixed invalid module references in menu function data. | |
Add CircleCI extension to workspaces | Improved install of external VS Code extensions. Added CircleCI extension as a standard workspace extension. | |
When updating to a B1 version, add a check that the version is available | Added check for availability before updating to a new Build.One version. | |
OpenApi Specs support for ABL backend | Added support for OpenAPI specs to PASOE Business Entities. In development workspaces, the Swagger UI endpoint is available under the /swagger/... path. The Swagger definition of business entities is available under the /web/Swagger/<entity_name>. | |
Adjust workspace init to take into account schema changes and SWAT updates | Improved workspace initialization to take into account database schema changes and updates to different Build.One versions. | |
Downloading DocX template yields invalid docx files | Fixed an issue where downloaded DocX templates would be invalid. | |
Extract bundling libs from the theme bundle flow | Reduced size of theme bundles by moving component dependency css load to components. | |
allow to split tranlation json-file into multipe files | You can split translations in multiple files. | |
Keep active desktop item marked as selected in sidebar | Adjusted Sidebar control styling to highlight selected item. | |
Newly created apps have a module | Improved app creation to also include the creation of a module. | |
Execute an event after typing something into a toolbar/searchbar | A new "eventOnInput" event was added to toolbar. Toolbar also has 2 new properties, typedValue which is the typed value in the toolbar input and inputName which is the toolbar input name where the onInput event was triggered. | |
Adding creator to UserCreatedHdl not working | Fixed an issue where the fields assigned in the database create trigger were lost when create was done through a business entity. Improvements to database trigger handling | |
TreeGrid: option to expand all / collapse all | Extended TreeGrid CLAPI with methods to expand and collapse tree nodes. | |
Get rid of extra spacing of the Designer main layout | Main layout is aligned with the ribbon. | |
Attribute Form Groups only affect one Object Type | Added support for attribute metadata options on object type level. | |
Remove not used Attributes in SwatSelect | Removed unused attributes from SwatSelect | |
Release: Update to latest SCL release | Update to SmartComponent Library Release 11.7 #80372@2024-06-06 UTF-8 |
ID | Title | Description |
Alignment of dynselect filter is wrong | Adjusted the position of dynselect conditional buttons/icons (magnifying glass and clear) in both grid filter and form. | |
Deleting a link does not work consistently | Fixed issue with delete link operation in ScreenDesigner, disabled Attributes Form autofocus in ScreenDesigner. | |
Error in finishConstructor addObserver cannot read properties of null | Fixed an issue with parsing toolbar items when parent is destroyed. | |
b1 air theme designer tree not displaying drop style | Fixed an issue with CSS variable overwrite on b1 air Theme. | |
Triggering a data fetch with openQuery and callback will break data relations | Marked openQuery() method on data source as deprecated. Added fetch() method to CLAPI, which returns a promise. | |
Ribbon Select doesn't have an arrow | Ribbon select arrow is visible again. | |
Sometimes double requests and duplicate rows in grid | Fixed issue with automatic duplicate fetch on DataSource objects. | |
Json parse console log warnings when running visibilityRules | Fixed an issue with console log messages displayed in browser console when running visibility rules. | |
Progress spinner removed from Windows with waitState | Fixed an issue with Wait Cursor being hidden when pending process is running in background. | |
Treegrid htmlContent minor adjustments | Adjusted VisualizationType attribute options to include HTML-TEMPLATE. Fixed issue with HTML-TEMPLATE column and new sample screen. | |
Removing treegrid columns not working properly | Fixed an issue removing TreeGrid column in ScreenDesigner using pulldown menu. | |
Error when launching external documents frame | Fixed issue with passthrough links causing errors when setting panel title. | |
Make group taskbar focusable | - Made TaskbarGroup focusable - Adjusted css of taskbar for dark theme. - Fix a toolbar witdh issue - Removed border radius from taskbar to keep it consistent with the old one | |
Taskbar item doesn't show when opening SwatAutomationFlow object type | Fixed an issue with adding Taskbar items in header Taskbar when launching a screen with no Primary DataSource. | |
Taskbar items doesn't appear in Offer | Changed base layout to use the new taskbar. |
ID | Title | Description |
Headlines in the "tree" are mixed in DE and EN | Updated translations with offer.common.json from IGUS |
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