Label | Label (Old) | Label (New) | Technical Name | Description | Possible Values | Group | New Group | Type | Mode | Comments | Remove? | Remove strategy | How much used | Status | ObjectType |
Binding Field | Binding Field | Binding Field | lookupkeyvaluebinding | Field of the Datasource of the form where the Saved Field will be saved | SwatDataField | List Source | List Source | Maybe we can remove it and handle it automatically | Published | SwatSelect | |||||
DataSource | Entity Name | DataSource | entityname | Datasource of the Select that is used to populate the entries in the list | DataSoruce | List Source | List Source | Select - Data | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
DataSource Table | Entity Table | DataSource Table | entitytable | Table of the Datasource of the Select that will be used to populate the entries in the list (When the Datasource has just one table, this attribute does not need to be set) | Table | List Source | List Source | Select - Data | Simple | With one we also need to specify one | Published | SwatSelect | |||
Saved Field | Key Value | Saved Field | lookupkeyvaluecolumn | Field of the Datasource of the Select that will be saved when an entry is selected | SwatDataField | List Source | List Source | Select - Data | Simple | Select with fields of the selected DSO | Published | SwatSelect | |||
UI Field | UI Key Field | UI Field | lookupkeyfield | Field of the Datasource of the Select that will be displayed in the input when an entry is selected | SwatDataField | List Source | List Source | Select - Data | Simple | Select with fields of the selected DSO | Published | SwatSelect | |||
List of Options | Static List | listitempairs | Comma separated list of keys and values, if this attribute is set, the list will be used for the data of the component | Coma separated list | List Source | List Source | Simple | Remove | Use a DSO also for static lists | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Max. Items Selected | Max. Items Selected | Max. Items Selected | maximumselectionlength | Maximum number of entries that can be selected in the list | Number | List Design | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Min. Items Selected | Min. Items Selected | Min. Items Selected | minimuminputlength | Minimum number of characters required to start a search. | Number | List Design | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
List Design | Template | List Design | template | Name of the design that will be used to render the results of the list. Check Documentation for more information of each option | genericautocompletesearchtemplatedynselect_checkbox, GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelect, GridFilterDynselectSearchTemplate, GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplate, GenericAutocompleteSearchTemplateDynSelect_line | List Design | List Paremeters | Select - Static | Advanced | We need to create a select | Published | SwatSelect | |||
List Design Fields | Template Options | List Design Fields | templateoptions | Name of the fields and/or constant values that will used for the icon, key and description in the template. (They need to be defined in that order with the | separator) | List with | separator (Icon | key | description) | List Design | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Allow Clear | Allow Clear | Allow Clear | allowclear | If enabled, the selected entries can be cleared with a button | Boolean | List Parameters | Field Input | Checkbox | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Allow Multiple Items Selected | Allow Multiple Selects | Allow Multiple Items Selected | multiple | If enabled, multiple entries can be selected in the list | Boolean | List Parameters | List Paremeters | Checkbox | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Close on Select | Close on Select | Close on Select | closeonselect | If enabled, once the user selects an entry, the list will be closed | Boolean | List Parameters | List Paremeters | Checkbox | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Grid Filter Behaviour | Filter | Grid Filter Behaviour | filter | When this select is added to a grid as a column, it defines how the filter of that grid will behave. Check Documentation for more information of each option | #multiselect_filter, #dynselect_filter | List Parameters | Grid Parameters | Select - Static | Advanced | How to handle the attributes that are just for grids (or forms) | Published | SwatSelect | |||
Initial Fetch | Initial Fetch | Initial Fetch | initialfetch | Query that will filter the result of entries in the list the first time is opened. Check Documentation for more information of how to create the queries | initFetch:All (1000 records, default is 50) | List Parameters | List Paremeters | Select - Static | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Search Dialog Screen | Lookup Screen | Search Dialog Screen | axlookupdialog | Screen that will be opened in a dialog to facilitate the selection of an entry | Screen | List Parameters | List Paremeters | Select - Screens | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Grid Multiple Items Behaviour | Multiple Behavior | Grid Multiple Items Behaviour | multiplebehavior | When the select is added to a grid, it specified to what elements the “Allow Multiple Items Selected” attribute is applied. Check Documentation for more information of each option | standard, cell, filter+cell | List Parameters | Grid Parameters | Select - Static | Advanced | We need to create the select. If Filter it only applies to the filter field, if Cell it only applies to the grid cells, if Filter & Cell it applies to both elements | Published | SwatSelect | |||
Rows to batch | Rows to batch | Rows to Batch | rowstobatch | Number of entries that will be loaded from the DSO in the list of entries (also when you search) Setting this attribute to 0 indicates that ALL records should be read | Number | List Parameters | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Field Sort | Sort | Field Sort | defaultsort | Ascendent (asc) or descendent (desc) sort based on a field (E.g. asc fieldname) | asc/des fieldname | List Parameters | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Tooltip Icon | Info Button | Help Icon | infobutton | If eneabled the tooltip icon will be displayed | Boolean | Input | Field Input | Checkbox | Simple | Remove | When Help is set or or eventinfoselected is set we enable this | Published | SwatSelect | ||
Initial Value | Initial Value | Initial Value | initialvalue | Key of an entry in the Datasource to set that entry as the initial value of the field | value | Input | List Paremeters | Text | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Label | Label | Label | label | Label of the Input | Text | Input | Field Input | Text | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Label Position | Label Position | Label Position | labelPosition | Location of the label in relation to the input | Left, Top | Input | Field Input | Select - Static | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Mandatory | Mandatory | Mandatory Field | mandatory | If enabled, this field will be mandatory in the form that is added | Boolean | Input | Form Parameters | Checkbox | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Note Below Field | Note Below Field | Note Below Field | note | Text that will be displayed under the Field, it can be used as hints or help indications | Text | Input | Field Input | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder | placeholder | Text displayed in the input until the user starts writing or selects an option | Boolean | Input | Field Input | Checkbox | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Track Changes | Track Changes | Track Changes | haschangestrackingenabled | If enabled, the changes on this field will trigger the HasChanges in the form where this field is added | Boolean | Input | Form Parameters | Checkbox | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Validation | Validation | validation | Validation can be used to define validation rules that display messages under a Form Field input | Text | Input | Form Parameters | it needs to be usable (it is not now except osiv) | Not dhtml | Published | SwatSelect | |||||
After KeyPress | AfterKeyPress | After KeyPress | eventafterkeypress | Event executed when the user types in the list filter | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
After SearchResultDisplay | AfterSearchResultDisplay | After SearchResultDisplay | eventaftersearchresultdisplay | Event executed when the results are displayed in the dropdown | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Before Fetch | BeforeFetch | Before Fetch | eventBeforeFetch | Event executed before fetching the data for the list of options | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Namespace | Namespace | Namespace | eventnamespace | Namespace of the clientlogic where you logic will be available and implemented | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Simple | Published | SwatWindowSwatDialogSwatSelectSwatGrid | ||||
On Change | On change Event | On Change | onchange | Event executed when the user produce a change (when you type and when you select) | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
On Validate | On Validate | On Validate | eventakvalidate | Event executed whenever an entry is selected in the list | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Simple | Inconsistent with other events (in other fields is when you focus out) | Published | SwatSelect | |||
On Entry | OnEntry | On Entry | evententry | Event executed when the field get focus | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Advanced | It is not used - Remove? | Published | SwatSelect | |||
On Leave | OnLeave | On Leave | eventleave | Event executed when the field loses focus | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Advanced | It is not used - Remove? | Published | SwatSelect | |||
On StateChanged | OnStateChanged | On StateChanged | eventonstatechanged | Event executed when a state is changed through clientlogic | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
On Info Selected | OnInfoSelected | On Info Selected | eventoninfoselected | Event executed when the info button is clicked | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Advanced | COnsider this if we want to remove the infoButton | Published | SwatSelect | |||
Cache Results | Cache Results | Cache Results | cacheresults | If enabled, the results will be cached for future searches | Boolean | Advanced | List Paremeters | Checkbox | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Column Position | Column Position | - | column | - | Number | Advanced | Text | It is being calculated, is not visible | Remove | It is calculated, we need to hide it | Deprecated | SwatSelectSwatGrid | |||
Form Fields Linked | Controls | Form Fields Linked | lookupcontrols | Fields from the form where this Select is added, that when an option is selected the fields values set in this attribute will be updated with the fields set in the Source for Form Fields Linked attribute (The order will define the link between the fields of this attribute and the fields in Source for Form Fields Linked Attribute) | SwatDataFields comma separated list | Advanced | Form Parameters | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | |||||
Source for Form Fields Linked | Lookup Fields | Source for Form Fields Linked | lookupfields | Fields of the datasource of the dynselect that will be used in the Form Fields Linked | SwatDataFields comma separated list | Advanced | Form Parameters | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | |||||
Delay for Request | Delay | Delay for Request | delay | Delay for making the request to load the result, this is useful to wait for the user inputs | Number | Advanced | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Multiple Items Delimiter | Description Delimiter | Multiple Items Delimiter | multidelimiter | Specifies the delimiter used for multiple selections. Comma by default. It Has to match the delimiter used on the backend. | Text | Advanced | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Refresh Grid On Change | Refresh On Filter Change | Refresh Grid On Change | autorefreshonfilterchange | When this select is added to a grid as a column, If enabled, When the selects filter has a change, the grid will be refreshed | Boolean | Advanced | Grid Parameters | Checkbox | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Clear Value | Empty Value | Clear Value | emptyvalue | When the select is cleared, this will be used as the “empty” value. It can be null, undefined or “” | Text | Advanced | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | enabled | If disabled, the field will be read only and the value in the input cannot be changed | Boolean | Advanced | Form Parameters | Checkbox | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Vertical Slots Filled | Height | Vertical Slots Filled | height | Number of Vertical Slots that this field will fill in the form that is added | Number | Advanced | Form Parameters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Labels | Labels | - | labels | - | Boolean | Advanced | Checkbox | It needs to be transformed to a checkbox | Remove | Not useful | Deprecated | SwatSelect | |||
Option Label | Option Label | - | fieldlabel | - | Advanced | Remove | Not used | Deprecated | SwatSelect | ||||||
List Items | List Items | - | listitems | - | Advanced | Remove | Remove it, now maybe it’s calculated | Deprecated | SwatSelect | ||||||
Multiple Entries Behavior | Multiple Entries Behavior | - | multipleentriesbehavior | - | Trim | Advanced | Select - Static | Advanced | This Select needs to be created | Remove | Not used | Deprecated | SwatSelect | ||
Preset Value in Search | PreSelectedExistingInput | Preset Value in Search | preselectexistinginput | If enabled, the value of the field will be preset in the search input of the list | Boolean | Advanced | List Paremeters | Checkbox | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Row Position | Row Position | - | row | - | Number | Advanced | Text | Advanced | It is being calculated, is not visible | Remove | It is calculated, we need to hide it | Deprecated | SwatSelect | ||
Tab Navigation Index | Tab Index | Tab Navigation Index | tabindex | Order in the tab navigation of the form where this Select is added | Numbber | Advanced | Form Parameters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Allow Custom Values | Tags | Allow Custom Values | tags | If enabled, allows to provide a value that does not exist in the list of entries | Boolean | Advanced | List Paremeters | Checkbox | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Selected Item Trigger | TokenSeparator | Selected Item Trigger | tokenseparators | Character to allow the user to select an entry and start adding the next one | Pipe-delimited list -> e.g ‘tokenSeparators’: ‘,| ‘ | Advanced | List Paremeters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Visible | Visible | Visible | visible | If false, the field will not be visible in the form that is added | Boolean | Advanced | Form Parameters | Checkbox | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Horizontal Slots Filled | Width | Horizontal Slots Filled | width | Number of Horizontal Slots that this field will fill in the form that is added | Number | Advanced | Form Parameters | Text | Advanced | We need to adjust the attribute labels in forms for colummns → Horizontal slots | Published | SwatSelect | |||
Tooltip Text | HELP | Tooltip Text | help | Text of the tooltip | Text | Advanced | Field Input | Text | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||
Field Label Menu | - | Field Label Menu | FIeldMenu | Menu to display actions next to the label of the field | Menu | Field Input | Simple | Published | SwatSelect | ||||||
List Item Pairs | Static List | lis-item-pairs | Comma separated list of keys and values. If this attribute is set, this list will be used for the data of the Component. (E.g. key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value 3) | Comma Separated List | List Source | SwatSelect | |||||||||
Result List Menu Code | Result List Menu Code | ResultListMenuCode | Other Parameters | SwatSelect | |||||||||||
Format Sign | Format Sign | formatSign | Other Parameters | SwatSelect | |||||||||||
Label Menu | Label Menu | fieldMenu | Menu to display actions next to the label | Field Input | Simple | SwatSelect | |||||||||
OnStateChanged | OnStateChanged | On State Changed | eventOnStateChanged | Event executed when a state is changed through clientlogic | Event | Events | Select - Event | SwatGrid | |||||||
EventSelect | EventSelect | On Select | EventSelect | Event executed when the user selects or unselect an entry | Event | Events | Select - Event | SwatGrid | |||||||
EventRowSelected | EventRowSelected | On Row Selected | EventRowSelected | Event executed when the user single click in an entry | Event | Events | Select - Event | SwatGrid | |||||||
EventRowChosen | EventRowChosen | On Row Chosen | EventRowChosen | Event executed when the user double click in an entry | Event | Events | Select - Event | SwatGrid | |||||||
EventOnInitialize | EventOnInitialize | On Intialize | eventOnInitialize | Event executed when the Grid is rendered | Event | Events | Select - Event | SwatGrid | |||||||
eventOnDrop | eventOnDrop | On Drop | eventOnDrop | Event executed on a drop operation (Drag and drop Behaviour enabled) | Event | Events | Select - Event | SwatGrid | |||||||
EventOnContextMenuIsOpen | EventOnContextMenuIsOpen | On Context Menu Opened | EventOnContextMenuOpen | Event executed before the Context Menu of a row is opened | Event | Events | Select - Event | SwatGrid | |||||||
EventBeforeSelected | EventBeforeSelected | Before Selected | eventBeforeSelected | Event executed before a row in the Grid is selected | Event | Events | Select - Event | SwatGrid | |||||||
BeforeFetch | BeforeFetch | Before Fetch | eventBeforeFetch | Event | Events | Select - Event | We should remove it | Remove | SwatGrid | ||||||
WIDTH-CHARS | WIDTH-CHARS | WIDTH-CHARS | Number | Properties | Text | We should hide it | Remove | SwatGrid | |||||||
Width | Width | width | Initial width of the panel (if the user profile doesn’t have a value set) | Number | Properties | Text | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Update Record Container | Update Record Container | updateRecordContainer | Screen | Properties | Select - Screens | Check with Mike why we need this | SwatGrid | ||||||||
SUBTYPE | SUBTYPE | subtype | Properties | Not used, we can hide it | Remove | SwatGrid | |||||||||
showZeroAsEmtpy | showZeroAsEmtpy | showZeroAsEmtpy | If enabled, the cells with zero values will be displayed as empty | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | It needs to be converted to a checkbox | SwatGrid | |||||||
Rows | Rows | rows | Number | Properties | Text | Not used, we should remove it | Remove | SwatGrid | |||||||
Row Position | Row Position | row | Number | Properties | Text | It is being calculated, is not visible | Remove | It is calculated, we need to hide it | SwatGrid | ||||||
Record Create | Record Create | RecordCreate | Screen | Properties | Select - Screens | Check with Mike if we can hide it | Remove | SwatGrid | |||||||
MinWidth | MinWidth | minWidth | Minimum width in pixels that the panel can be resized | Number | Properties | Text | SwatGrid | ||||||||
MinHeight | MinHeight | minHeight | Minimum height in pixels that the panel can be resized | Number | Properties | Text | SwatGrid | ||||||||
minDimension | minDimension | minDimension | If its disabled the values MinHeight and MinWidth will be ignored | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | ||||||||
maxColumnCharacters | maxColumnCharacters | Maximum Column Characters | maxColumnCharacters | Maximum number of characters that will be displayed in each column of a row. This can useful for cases where there are long strings in a specific column which will cause very high rows (In multiline mode) or very wide columns (No multiline mode) | Number | Properties | Text | We should check it to see if we can bring it back (not used now) | SwatGrid | ||||||
keepSelection | keepSelection | Keep Selections | keepSelection | If enabled, the rows selected will be maintained after a reload in the grid | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | |||||||
instanceRestrictions | instanceRestrictions | instanceRestrictions | Cando pattern that restrict instance name objects that will be rendered | Cando Pattern | Properties | SwatGrid | |||||||||
hideHeader | hideHeader | hideHeader | If enabled (and no border title or panel menu is set) the panel header will be hidden | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | ||||||||
groupBy | groupBy | groupBy | It is used to group the entries into different clusters (See documentation for more info) | Text | Properties | SwatGrid | |||||||||
Folder Window to Launch | Folder Window to Launch | FolderWindowToLaunch | Screen that is launched when an entry is clicked (if updaterecordcontainer is not set, otherwise that one will be used for this case) | Screen | Properties | Select - Screens | SwatGrid | ||||||||
fixWidth | fixWidth | fixwidth | If enabled the width of the panel cannot resized | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | ||||||||
fixHeight | fixHeight | fixheight | If enabled the height of the panel cannot resized | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | ||||||||
filterOnLeave | filterOnLeave | filterOnLeave | If enabled the filters are trigger when the user leave focus of the filter input | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Filter Mode | Filter Mode | filterMode | If server it performs the search on the backend if client it performs it in the frontend | Server, Client | Properties | Select - Static | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Entries Links | Entries Links | usageBehaviour | Specifies if the row titles are links that open screens or not | Link, No Link | Properties | Select - Static | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Entity Name | Entity Name | Entity Name | Entity of the connected DSO that will be displayed in the Grid (If only one Entity exists in the DSO, there is no need to set anything in this attribute) | Properties | Select - Data | SwatGrid | |||||||||
Enabled | Enabled | Enabled | enabled | If enabled, it allows to edit the entries in each Grid cell | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | |||||||
documentationPath | documentationPath | documentationpath | If a link is set, an icon will be displayed in the panel header that when clicked, it will open that link. It can be used for documentation proposes | Text (Link address) | Properties | Text | SwatGrid | ||||||||
customStyle | customStyle | customStyle | Value for the HTML akStyle attribute when rendered, it can be used to style this component | Text | Properties | Text | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Copy Record Container | Copy Record Container | copyRecordContainer | Screen that is launched in a dialog to copy an entry | Properties | Check with Mike if we can remove it | Remove | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Context Menu | Context Menu | Row Context Menu | contextMenu | Menu that will be displayed as a Context Menu in each individual row while it’s hovered | Menu | Properties | Select - Menu | SwatGrid | |||||||
batchingMode | batchingMode | bachingmode | If enables the pagination in the Grid | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | ||||||||
AutoFocus | AutoFocus | Auto Focus | autofocus | If enabled, the Grid will be automatically focused on after a data refresh | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | |||||||
addRecordContainer | addRecordContainer | addrecordcontainer | Screen that is launched in a dialog to create a new entry | Screen | Properties | Select - Screens | Check with Mike if we can hide it | Remove | SwatGrid | ||||||
Layout Position | Layout Position | Layout Position | Layout Position | Position where this object will be in the layout | Layout positions | Properties | Select - Static | SwatGrid | |||||||
Track Changes | Track Changes | haschangestrackingeneabled | If enabled, the changes on this Grid will trigger the HasChanges in the Panel where it is added | Boolean | Main Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | ||||||||
titleHeader | titleHeader | titleheader | if none, it hides the header, if parent, it shows the header of the parent, if parentonly it only shows the header of the parent | Text | Main Properties | Text | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Show Grid Filter | Show Grid Filter | showGridFilter | All, None, Column Only | Main Properties | Select - Static | It needs to be checked how to work with it | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Resource | Resource | resourceName | Main Properties | Select - Data | We should remove it | Remove | SwatGrid | ||||||||
Panel Menu | Panel Menu | Panel Menu | panelMenu | Menu that will be displayed next to the Panel title in the Panel Header | Menu | Main Properties | Select - Menu | SwatGrid | |||||||
multiSelect | multiSelect | Multiple Select | multiselect | If enabled multiple rows can be selected | Boolean | Main Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | |||||||
Multiline | Multiline | Multiline | multiline | If enabled, rows can wrap to use multiple lines | Boolean | Main Properties | Checkbox | SwatGrid | |||||||
Floating Action Button | Floating Action Button | Floating Action Button Menu | floatingActionButton | Menu that will be displayed as a Floating Action Button over the Grid | Menu | Main Properties | Select - Menu | SwatGrid | |||||||
Drag and Drop Behaviour | Drag and Drop Behaviour | Drag and Drop Behaviour | dragDropBehaviour | Disable, doesn’t enable the drag and drop. If “Move” it removes the entry in the source, if copy it keeps it | Disabled, Copy on Drop, Move on Drop | Main Properties | Select - Static | SwatGrid | |||||||
BorderTitle | BorderTitle | Panel Title | bordertitle | Text that is displayed in the Panel header of this Object | Text | Main PropertiesProperties | Text | SwatGrid | |||||||
OnStateChange | OnStateChange | On State Change | OnStateChanged | Event executed when a state of this object is changed through client logic | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Advanced | SwatWindowSwatDialog | |||||
EventPreInitialize | EventPreInitialize | EventPreInitialize | Event executed before the object is initialised (before EventSyncOnInitialize) | Event | SwatDialog | ||||||||||
typeRange | typeRange | typeRange | Ignore in dialogs | SwatDialog | |||||||||||
tabindex | tabindex | tabindex | Ignore in dialogs | SwatDialog | |||||||||||
PrivateData | PrivateData | PrivateData | Not used | Remove | SwatDialog | ||||||||||
Test ID | ID | Test ID | akid | Value for the HTML akid attribute when rendered, it can be used to identify this component in testing | Text | BlueprintProperties | Rendering Engine | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatWindowSwatDialogSwatSelectSwatGridSwatForm | ||||
Template Placeholder | Design Placeholder | Template Placeholder | designplaceholder | If enabled, the object will be used as a placeholder in tempaltes | Boolean | AdvancedProperties | Other Parameters | Checkbox | Advanced | They should be hidden evrywhere | Published | SwatWindowSwatDialogSwatSelectSwatGrid | |||
Template Placeholder Options | Design Placeholder Options | Template Placeholder Options | designplaceholderoptions | Options for the use of this object as placeholder in templates | Text | AdvancedProperties | Other Parameters | Text | Advanced | They should be hidden evrywhere | Published | SwatWindowSwatDialogSwatSelectSwatGrid | |||
Track Changes | Track Changes | Track Changes | haschangestrackingenabled | If enabled, the changes on this object will trigger the HasChanges in the object where this one is added | Boolean | Main Properties | Checkbox | Advanced | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||
Rules Behaviour | Rules Behaviour | Rules Behaviour | rulesbehavior | Serialized json that is generated and assigned automatically to describe the behaviour/interaction with Corticon.js | Serialized json | AdvancedProperties | Other Parameters | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatWindowSwatDialogSwatSelect | ||||
Component Alias | UIComponentAlias | Component Alias | uicomponentalias | Alias for the component to be accessible trough client logic | Text | Blueprint | Rendering Engine | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatWindowSwatDialogSwatSelect | ||||
Component Path | UiComponent | Component Path | uicomponent | Path to the component that will be lazy loaded | Text | BlueprintProperties | Rendering Engine | Text | Advanced | Published | SwatWindowSwatDialogSwatSelectSwatGrid | ||||
hasChangesStyle | hasChangesStyle | hasChangesStyle | Value for the HTML akHasChanges attribute when rendered, it can be used to style this component when it has changes | Text | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||||||
EventSyncOnInitialize | EventSyncOnInitialize | EventSyncOnInitialize | Event executed when this object is initialised without delay | SwatWindowSwatDialog | |||||||||||
EventOnClose | EventOnClose | On Close | EventOnClose | Event executed when this object is closed | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Simple | SwatWindowSwatDialog | |||||
Title Short | Title Short | Taskbar TItle | titleshort | Text that will be displayed in the taskbar item that represent this Window. If empty the Window Title will be used. You can use placeholders from the primaryDSO | Text | Properties | Text | Advanced | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||
Title | Title | Window Title | title | Text that will be displayed in the Window header. You can use placeholders from the primaryDSO | Text | Properties | Text | Simple | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||
RulesMetadata | (ASK ANDREI) | SwatWindowSwatDialog | |||||||||||||
instanceRestrictions | instanceRestrictions | instanceRestrictions | Cando pattern that restrict instance name objects that will be rendered | SwatWindowSwatDialog | |||||||||||
HtmlClass | HtmlClass | htmlclass | Css class that is added to the HTML class attribute of the element | Text | Check if we need it | Remove | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||||
Has Error Style | Has Error Style | haserrorsstyle | Value for the HTML akHasErrors attribute when rendered, it can be used to style this component when it has errors | Text | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||||||
Floating | Floating | Pin Window | floating | If enabled, the Window will stay on top of other windows until closed | Boolean | Properties | Checkbox | SwatWindowSwatDialog | |||||||
ClosingBehaviour | ClosingBehaviour | ClosingBehaviour | It defines if when the window is closed it goes back to desktop or to the previously selected taskbar item | returnToDesktop, “” | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||||||
Layout | Layout | Layout | LayoutOptions | It defines the Layout that is the structure that defines how many panels are in the Screen and how they are positioned | Layout Structure | Properties | Select - Layout | Simple | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||
Window Menu | Window Menu | Window Menu | TitleMenu | Menu that will be displayed in Window Header. | Menu | Main Properties | Select - Menu | Simple | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||
isModal | isModal | Is Modal | isModal | If enabled, the Window will act as a Modal Window (All UI elements outside the Window will be blocked) | Boolean | Main Properties | Checkbox | Simple | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||
Icon | Icon | Window Icon | icon | Icon that will be displayed next to the Window Title in the Window header | FontAwesome Icon | Main Properties | Select - Icon | Simple | SwatWindowSwatDialog | ||||||
On Initialize | On Initialize | On Initialize | EventOnInitialze | Event executed when this object is initialised (it has a delay) | Event | Events | Events | Select - Event | Simple | SwatWindowSwatDialog | |||||
customStyle | customStyle | customStyle | Value for the HTML akStyle attribute when rendered, it can be used to style this component | Text | SwatWindowSwatDialog |